Original Research
Local governance in disaster risk reduction in Cameroon
Submitted: 22 June 2012 | Published: 08 October 2012
About the author(s)
Buh-Wung Gaston, Geotechnology, Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction, CameroonAka F. Tongwa, Geotechnology, Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction; Institute for Geological and Mining Research, Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, Cameroon
Clementine Burnley, Adelphi Research, Gemeinnützige GmbH, Germany
Zouh T. Isabella, Geotechnology, Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction; Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection, Cameroon
At the 2005 World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction held in Hyogo, Japan, 168 countries including Cameroon adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action, committing to take action to reduce human and socio-economic disaster losses. Geotechnology, Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction was commissioned by the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Risk Reduction as the coordinating organisation in Cameroon to evaluate progress in implementation of the framework from the civil society perspective, particularly the role of local governance in disaster risk reduction (DRR). Seven regions of the country were identified for evaluation, where people have suffered losses from disasters during the last three decades. Three approaches were used: administration of questionnaires; consultations with local communities; and four case studies. It was found that there was significant scope for improvement on individual local governance indicators, and that effective progress depends on:
1. level of achievement in the decentralisation process currently under way.
2. adoption of a participatory approach to DRR.
3. clear distribution of roles in the DRR process.
4. adequate allocation of necessary financial and human resources.
5. enhancement of capacity of local communities to prepare for and respond to all types of disasters.
Creation of an independent body to carry out fundamental research, forecast new and emerging hazards and manage all disasters in the country will contribute greatly to moving things forward.
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Crossref Citations
1. Strengthening the science-policy interface for climate adaptation: stakeholder perceptions in Cameroon
Elias Nkiaka, Jon C. Lovett
Regional Environmental Change vol: 19 issue: 4 first page: 1047 year: 2019
doi: 10.1007/s10113-018-1441-4