Original Research

Evaluating farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change: A case study of Kaou local government area, Tahoua State, Niger Republic

A. Moussa Tabbo, Zakou Amadou, Agada B. Danbaky
Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies | Vol 8, No 3 | a241 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jamba.v8i3.241 | © 2016 A. Moussa Tabbo, Zakou Amadou, Agada B. Danbaky | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 15 September 2015 | Published: 31 March 2016

About the author(s)

A. Moussa Tabbo, Department of Agricultural Economics, Usnamu Dan Fodiyo University, Nigeria
Zakou Amadou, Department of Rural Sociology and Economics, Tahoua University, Niger Republic
Agada B. Danbaky, Department of Economics and Management, Tahoua University, Niger Republic


The study discusses local farmers’ strategies of coping with and building resilience against the negative impact of climate change. Information for the discussion was from data collected using a set of structured questionnaires from interviews scheduled with 128 farmers. The questionnaire was based on previous literature and direct reconnaissance interview with farmers, which culminated in 13 strategies used for the study being reported. For each question, respondents were asked to choose their best and worst strategies. Thus, the difference between the best and worst strategies consistent with random utility theory has been used for the modelling. Results show that semi-transhumance, various handicrafts making, rural migration, small-scale vegetable production and small-scale river exploitation were the most important strategies identified, whilst water transport and vending, shifting cultivation, gypsum mining, gathering and trading of wild fruits and edible plants as well as cattle and sheep fattening were the least appreciated strategies identified amongst the farmers facing climate change. These findings are therefore imperative for planning farmers’ capacity-building and resilience against climate change projects to ensure sustainability in the study area.

Keywords: Farmers’ adaptation strategies; Climate change resilience; Kaou


Farmers’ adaptation strategies; Climate change resilience; Kaou


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Crossref Citations

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