Original Research
Disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction in schools: A confirmatory factor analysis
Submitted: 05 July 2023 | Published: 11 July 2024
About the author(s)
Nurul H. Rofiah, The Institute for Diversity and Inclusion, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, JapanNorimune Kawai, The Institute for Diversity and Inclusion, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
Elli N. Hayati, Department of Psychology, Graduate for Psychology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This research examines the validity and reliability of the construct variables and indicators of the disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction (DiDRR) model in the school environment. It also aims to determine the contribution of aspects and indicators in measuring variables and confirm the hypothesised model’s suitability with empirical data. The explanatory research uses the purposive sampling method to collect questionnaire data from principals and teachers (n = 147) of primary schools in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the factors responsible for the formation of DiDRR in school include identifying and supporting children with special needs, accessibility, meaningful participation, non-discrimination, strategy and method, collaboration and networking. Although each factor has a significant causative relationship with the DiDRR variable, accessibility is the strongest forming factor. The modified model meets the goodness of fit criteria, thereby leading to a DiDRR model for elementary schools in inclusive settings. The research only considered principals and teachers in Yogyakarta province. Therefore, further research needs to be carried out in other provinces and widen its potential generalisation of findings.
Contribution: The research identified and examined the shaping factors of DiDRR in schools from the perspective of teachers and principals. Testing of the construct in the DiDRR model is intended to give more valid information about the concepts. It also acts as a guide when implementing it in schools to reduce risk and achieve broader targets for children with special needs and disabilities.
Sustainable Development Goal
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